Creating Profiles

Profiles help users to personalize:

  • Mapping Specification grid in the Mapping Manager.
  • Code Value Grid in the Codeset Manager.

You can create two types of profiles:

  • Site Profiles: You can create a profile for other users by creating a site profile. Ensure that you specify the users who can access the site profile.
  • The Default profile is available by default as a site profile for all the users. You cannot edit or delete this profile.

  • User Profiles: You can create a profile for yourself. A user profile created by you cannot be accessed by other users.

To create profiles, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > Data Catalog > Resource Manager.
  2. By default, the Users tab opens.

  3. Click the Profiles tab.
  4. Right-click the Profiles node.
  5. Click New Profile
  6. The New Profile page appears.

  7. Enter appropriate values in the fields. Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory. Refer to the following table for field descriptions.
  8. Field Name


    Profile Name

    Specifies the unique name of the profile.

    For example, Mapping_Admin_Profile.


    Specifies the description about the profile.

    For example: This is a site profile for mapping administrators.

    Profile Type

    Specifies type of the profile.

    • To create the profile for yourself, select User.

    • To create profile for other users, select Site and select appropriate users from the Override User List.

  9. Click .
  10. A profile is created and added to the Profiles tree.

Once the profile is created, you can set the following for the profile:

You can also manage profiles. It involves editing or deleting profiles. For more information on managing profiles, refer to the Managing Profiles topic.